Functional Inspiration – The With extension method

Adding a “With” extension method mimicking F#

This is the first entry of a blog series about how functional programming, and the F# training I recently went to, gives me inspiration in my day-to-day work in C#. The first one will show how you can build a “with”-like feature in C#.

One of the many features of F# that stroke me during Robert Pickering’s “Beginning F#” course, was the Record Type and its ease of use. For those of you that don’t know F#, a record type can be compared with a Tuple whose properties would be named.

For instance, this F# snippet defines a Record Type Person with two properties Name and Age.

type Person =
    { Name: string;
      Town: string;
      Country: string;
      Age: int }

With this type defined, it is now possible to define an instance of that type :

let someone =
    { Name = "Luc";
      Town = "Paris";
      Country = "France";
      Age = 29 }

A very handy feature of F# lets us now write this :

let someoneElse =
    { someone with
        Age = 30 }

The “with” keyword allow us to define “someoneElse” as a copy of “someone”, stating only the values of the properties to change.

In a project I have been working on recently, I had exactly the same need of defining a new instance with very little changes, but in C#. In order to do this, I wrote a simple extension method, base on the ICloneable interface :

public static class ClonableExtensions
    public static T With<T>(this T original,
                            Action<T> withAction)
        where T : ICloneable
        T copy = (T)original.Clone();
        return copy;

With this extension method, if we define a class Person that implements the ICloneable interface, like this :

public class Person : ICloneable
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Town { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

    public object Clone()
        return new Person()
            Name = this.Name,
            Town = this.Town,
            Country = this.Country,
            Age = this.Age

It is now possible to use the generic With extension method to write the following code :

Person someone = new Person()
    Name = "Luc",
    Town = "Paris",
    Country = "France",
    Age = 29

Person someoneElse = someone.With(p => p.Age = 30);

I find this construct quite expressive and readable, but please note that there are several drawbacks :

  1. The C# objet has to be mutable. Its “Age” property is set after the object is created by the Clone method. Even though the Clone method could have used a copy constructor instead of setting properties, the generic With method must overwrite the properties values. Addendum : this problem is now solved in “Revisiting the With extension method”.
  2. The syntax to use in order to modify more than one property is less readable, because a lambda expression with multiple instructions has to be written between accolades.
  3. In the end, whatever you do, someoneElse will be 30, and his name is Luc.
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